On your journey you'll need help and there will be times where you'll feel stuck. That's a perfect time to reach out to others who might be able to help. Create a list for yourself of people who are an email, phone call or coffee meeting away. These can be technical help, business help, emotional help, creative support or maybe they are just great connectors to others. There are also business centers and agencies that offer free assistance (see links below). Really anyone and anything. Make a list of their names, contact information and what help they might be able to provide. As you get out and network this list will grow and change. You may find you outgrow certain providers of help. That's ok. Be grateful and thankful for them helping you along the way.
You should complete the following tasks before proceeding to the current one.
List of resources, subject matter experts, trusted partners, and tools that can be useful to complete the task.
Don't stop now! Just pick the very next stage-card that resonates with your business and continue working on the correspondent tasks.