
One of the most uncomfortable tasks an entrepreneur must quickly address is how will they make money? It seems like an obvious question but understanding exactly what you are selling, to whom, how you reach them, and what it costs to reach them and then support after the sale is one of the most important things you'll need to explore. Once you have started to probe these questions it will be easier to create your financial templates where you model projections and revenue.Questions you should understand: 1. What am I selling?2. How much does it cost to make?3. How much does it cost to sell? (your time, marketing, licenses, 'store front', online, intermediary fees, etc)4. Do you pass the cost of selling and creating your product 100% onto the customer?5. What methods or channels do I use to sell?6. Who do you sell to?7. How often do they buy?8. How do they buy? (small purchases, special occasions, bulk)9. Do I offer discounts or other promotions?10. How do you reach my customers and make them aware?11. How do you support or re engage them after a sale?

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Tasks Within the Stage

Don't stop now! Just pick the very next stage-card that resonates with your business and continue working on the correspondent tasks.