It's time to pause and take another look at your Business Model Canvas. Are you filling it in and with information and data that is actionable and informed by your own research? There is no prize for just filling it out. Make the effort worthwhile. If an area is unclear or you need some new approaches to think about, make an appointment with an EIR or look around for some new videos about the canvas. There are many professionals who can provide tips to make the canvas more valuable.
You should complete the following tasks before proceeding to the current one.
The Business Model Canvas is a tool to help you visualize and summarize your business model. It is only a model and the intent is that it will prompt you to explore areas you need to understand better and it will help summarize your findings. It is not a complete replacement of a business plan, rather it is a supplement to it because business plans are lengthy and more challenging to keep updated. The key idea is that the BMC keeps you moving forward and gathering data. It's not meant to stay on a shelf and gather dust. The work is never fully complete.
List of resources, subject matter experts, trusted partners, and tools that can be useful to complete the task.
Don't stop now! Just pick the very next stage-card that resonates with your business and continue working on the correspondent tasks.